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Fall thoughts and car detailing.

OMG can you believe it we are almost into fall. It was dark at 8:00 last night and I was a little sad. I love all the seasons (part of why I live in the PNW) and am always a little sad when they change until I get myself pumped up for all the cool things that happen in the next one.

My FB feed is blowing up with back to school pics and all the kids and parents look ready for this next season. I know my granddaughters (I have 5) were all looking forward to new adventures and friends.

With this time of change I was reflecting some on how I do self-care/love/encouragement. It may be totally different than how you think of it…. Or not.

I have a car that I bought new. Big adult step for me. Well, I have been travelling with cats and kids and have had a busy summer and my car was feeling it. So, I took it in and had it detailed.

This seemed so extravagant to me. After all I am perfectly capable of cleaning my car- washing it, vacuuming, wiping it down, spot washing the seats etc. Having someone else do the work professionally was thrilling. My car is lovely and smells and looks so good! Way better than I would have cleaned her and it makes me smile whenever I get in to drive somewhere.

Self-care meant doing something that made me happy. Loving myself means having an environment that gives me positive thoughts. Reaffirming that spending money on something that was just for my pleasure is ok. Encouraging myself that all though I could do it didn’t mean that I had to. Especially since I wouldn’t enjoy it.

How I do self-care/love/encouragement is starting to become more than an occasional mani-pedi or lunch out with a friend and more about creating more personal happiness moments every day.

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